Narrowed Volatility, Contract Rollover Underway, Set Positions Strategically and Await Opportunities
The market continues its slight oscillations. Current trends reveal significant reductions in open interest, with daily decreases signaling a lack of interest in the 01 contract due to limited profit potential. Traders are increasingly shifting away from the 01 contract, and the rollover to the 05 contract is expected to complete around early December.
Market Outlook:
We anticipate a small uptick in prices around early to mid-December. This prediction is based on stable fundamental conditions, expectations from key meetings, and increased winter storage activity for iron ore.
Adopt a strategic approach by setting positions at opportune levels and waiting for clearer market signals. The primary focus should remain on the upcoming 05 contract.
📌 Daily insights provided by LangZo Steel. For reprints, please credit LangZo Steel.
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